From Tablet to table (Leonard Sweet)

I want to introduce you to Leonard Sweet’s book, From Tablet to Table. This book provides deep insights into how we can maintain the essence of our faith and the church in this digital age. this book’s cover is here. And if you want to see a Korean translation, click here.

from tablet to table cover

Challenges of Faith in the Digital Age

In the first part of the book, Sweet discusses the changes in our lifestyle brought about by the advancement of digital devices. Our lives are now deeply intertwined with smartphones, tablets, and other digital gadgets. While these devices offer us tremendous connectivity and access to information, they also make us ponder whether the depth of our human relationships is diminishing.

The Importance of the Table

The second part highlights the significance of the traditional table. As many of you know, the table is not just a place for eating. It’s a crucial space where family and friends gather, share their day, laugh, and converse. Sweet emphasizes the importance of the table as a place for building relationships and sharing faith.

Balancing Digital Tools and Faith

Have you ever wondered how to maintain and grow your faith in this digital era? This book delves into the benefits and limitations of digital worship and Bible study. It provides thoughtful discussions on how we can use digital tools without losing the essence of our faith.

Redefining the Role of the Church

There is a need to redefine the role of the church in modern society. It’s essential to reach out to more people through digital devices while still valuing traditional meetings and interactions. The book offers practical advice on how the church can balance these aspects effectively.

Conclusion: Harmonious Faith Life

In conclusion, Sweet presents a direction for living a faith-filled life in the digital age. He emphasizes that by harmonizing the use of tablets and the traditional table, we can lead a more enriched faith life. The appendix provides practical tips and examples that readers can apply in their daily lives.

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